Monday, December 02, 2013

Monday 12-2-13

Bell work- TCAP Sampler #66 and #67
2. Subject verb Agreement
3. The Giver - Chapters 17 and 18

HW: Finish Subject verb agreement WS 183/184

For extra help with subject verb agreement review this PowerPoint‎

Extra Credit:

Do the quiz on the following link.  You can print or write out each sentence. Be sure to mark up the sentences the way that we do in class. This will be worth 8 points extra credit!

It will be due by December 6th, 2013.
Parents and students,
I hope everyone has enjoyed their break! Here are a few updates to help everyone stay informed.
* Tomorrow is the 7th grade field trip "Annie"
* All mid-terms need to be signed an returned to your son's/daughter's first academic class
* The 2nd nine weeks ends on December 19th , 2013
* In Language Arts we are finishing the book  The Giver
* Social Studies research paper is due December 13th, 2013