Monday, December 02, 2013

Monday 12-2-13

Bell work- TCAP Sampler #66 and #67
2. Subject verb Agreement
3. The Giver - Chapters 17 and 18

HW: Finish Subject verb agreement WS 183/184

For extra help with subject verb agreement review this PowerPoint‎

Extra Credit:

Do the quiz on the following link.  You can print or write out each sentence. Be sure to mark up the sentences the way that we do in class. This will be worth 8 points extra credit!

It will be due by December 6th, 2013.
Parents and students,
I hope everyone has enjoyed their break! Here are a few updates to help everyone stay informed.
* Tomorrow is the 7th grade field trip "Annie"
* All mid-terms need to be signed an returned to your son's/daughter's first academic class
* The 2nd nine weeks ends on December 19th , 2013
* In Language Arts we are finishing the book  The Giver
* Social Studies research paper is due December 13th, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday 11-19-13

1. Bell Work- Tcap Practice # 56 and 57
2. The Giver - Analysis
3. Library Research

HW: Synonyms and Antonyms WS
Update flipchart

Monday 11-18-13

1. Bell work- Tcap Sampler #54-55
2. Point of View
* Brainpop Video and Group Quiz
*" Do it" activity
3. The Giver-  Chapter 12


Friday- 11- 15-13

1. Bell work- Tcap Sampler 52and 53
2. Check ws 89
3. The Giver - Chapter 11
* Summarize ( in pink flipchart)

HW: WS 90

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday 11-14-13

1. Bell work- Tcap Practice 50 and 51
2. Compound sentences or compound verbs

3. The Giver- update flipchart

HW: Worksheet 89

Here is extra help and practice. All you have to do is write down each sentence, label it, and write the correct answer.

Norris has a home basketball game tonight!!! Please come out and support them!!

Wednesday 11-13-13

1. Bell work- Tcap Practice 48 and 49
2. The Giver -  Chapters 9 and 10
* Read and update flipchart

HW: Letter to the Elders

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Parents we checked our homework today and we did not to well. So, here is some extra credit that can help your son/daughter with conjunctions and compound sentences.

Here is a worksheet that will help you go over the rules.

The students must read the PowerPoint and respond to the questions on the PowerPoint first. Your son/ daughter must do the questions on a separate sheet of paper. This will be worth ten points.

Here is the PowerPoint :

Here is another activity for extra help and extra credit.

Parents, all extra credit must be on a separate sheet of paper. There must be a student and parent signature on it.

All credit on this post will be do by Friday 11-15-13

Tuesday 11-12-13

1. Bell Work- Check HW
2. Assignment- letter of Thanks or letter of appeal
3. Parts of a Business Letter
4. Library- MLA citation ( Help with Social Studies Project)

HW: Finish " Greek House" -  The students need to complete the graphic organizer.

Monday 11-11-13

1. Bell work- Sentence Corrections  9 and 10
2. Ceremony of Twelve
3. Compound Sentences

HW: Finish Compound sentences WS #88

Friday 11-8-13

1. Bell work Sentence Corrections 7 and 8
2. The Giver -  symbolism and read chapter 8

HW: Journal Prompt number 3- The Capacity to See Beyond

Thursday 11-7-13

 1. Bell work- sentence corrections 5 and 6
2. The Giver - Read chapter 7
* Ceremonies chart and illustrate
* update flipchart

No Homework

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Wednesday 11-6-13

1. Bell work- Sentence Corrections
2. The Giver - Quiz
3. Read chapter 6

HW: Read in your Library book for 20 minutes and summarize. This should be in you Language Arts spiral notebook.

Parents: Please return the field trip form and money for your child to go on the upcoming field trip. Your son/daughter should give the form and money to their first block teacher.

Tuesday 11-5-13

1. Library Lesson- Social Studies Research
2. Quiz Review

HW: Study for Quiz chapters 1-3 The Giver

Monday 11-4-13

1. Bell work- Sentence corrections
2. The Giver - Read chapters 4 and 5/ update flipchart

HW: " Volunteer work" Journal entry

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday 10-31-13
1.bellwork- chapter 3 summary

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday 10-30-13

1. Bell work- Chapter 2 note taking and summarize
2. Label Flipchart
3. Read chapter 3

HW: "Assignment" journal entry ( This should be done in the pink flip chart.)

Parents, the students are allowed to dress up tomorrow for Halloween. They must follow the guidelines sent home and pay the fee.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday 10-29-13

1. Bell work- finish/ discuss note taking and summarizing
2. Foreshadowing
3. Chapter 2 Read/ note taking and summarizing
4. Library quick check out

HW: Foreshadowing 

Here is a game that will help out before your son/daughter does her homework!

Here is a PowerPoint that goes over foreshadowing.  Do the short quiz for 5 points extra credit. You must write out the correct response with evidence from the text to get credit.

Monday, October 28, 2013

1.Bell-speech practice
2.Theme Presentations
1.Bell Work-Shackleton Future
Read Aloud
Foldable book summary
3. Theme speech outline
HW: Finish outline and note cards
1.Bell Work-Theme
2.7th grade First quarter common assessment
HW: Speech
 1.Bell Work-What is theme?
2."The Alps of the southern ocean and "Camp Wild"
Audible Reading

Monday 10-28-13

1.Bell Work- Describe a perfect world ( free write )
2. Utopia discussion
3, Anticipation Guide
4. The Giver  ( chapter 1 and Story elements)

HW: In your son's/ daughter's spirals, he/she needs to read for 20 minutes in a narrative. Then illustrate with color the setting of the book that he/she is reading. Lastly,  he/she needs to write a descriptive paragraph describing the setting using the five senses.

Parents we are starting a new book, The Giver. We will be reading this book over the nine weeks. All students need to have a folder to keep all items that we use for The Giver together. This can be any type of folder. 

For extra credit for your son/daughter, please visit the link below and take the survey. The survey ties along with the book The Giver  and the anticipation guide your son/daughter filled out in class. We want to use the data to compare with our classes. It will be worth 5 points extra credit. Just comment on the blog done and have your son/daughter bring in a piece of paper saying that you have completed it.

<div id="surveyMonkeyInfo"><div><script src=""> </script></div>Create your free online surveys with <a href="">SurveyMonkey</a> , the world's leading questionnaire tool.</div>

Today the Lady Senators and Senators face the Lake City Lady Lakers and Lake City Lakers. The girls will play at 4:30 and the boys will play at 5:30. All games will be at Lake City. For 5 points extra credit, students must tell Miss. Daggs what color Mr. Cummings had on.  
Thank you,

Miss.Daggs and Mrs. Rudder

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Wesnesday 10-09-13

1. Bell work- Read silently
2. " The Open Boat Journey"
         * Group reading
         * Update foldable
Goal for today:  Today I can read fluently with expression.

HW: Foldable check on Thursday

Tuesday 10-8-13

1. Bell Work-  Read silently  or study for skills quiz
2. Skills quiz #7
3. Library

HW: Read and complete characterization sheet

Friday, October 04, 2013

Extra Help for the quiz

This week we really focused on Characterization. We also covered mood and tone again.

Here is some extra help and notes:

Here is a short PowerPoint:

For extra credit you must bring in notes , paraphrasing, about the different types of characters I will give you  5 points extra credit. You have to bring it in by Tuesday!

Have a great weekend!!!

Friday 10-4-13

1. Bell work- Book character sketch
2. Characterization
* Shakelton the leader ( Character chart)
* Rough Draft

HW: Skills Quiz 7 on Tuesday

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Sorry Everyone! I was locked out of my blog account.

Thursday 10-3-13

1. Bell work- Traits of a good employer
2. Characterization
* Review
* Group Activity
* Individual work


Students will be taking their evidence that supports that Shakeloton is an effective leader and writing about it. This will be done in class.

Wednesday 10-2-13

1. Bell work- Honesty
2.  Characterization:  PowerPoint with notes and classify direct and indirect characterization

HW: None

Tuesday 10-1-13

1. Bell work- Empathy
2. Skills Quiz 6/ Silent Reading
3. Finish " Passage to Elephant Island"
update foldable
4. Library

Hw: Pre-quiz

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday 9-30-13

1. Bell work- Character pre-write
2. "Escape from the Ice"
     * Read aloud
      * Identify tone and mood 

Homework:  Study for Skills Quiz # 6

* Tone and Mood
 * Subject and Predicate

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday 9-27-13

1. Bell work- Read silently
2. Tone and Mood
3. "Into the Boats" read aloud

HW: start studying for the quiz on Tuesday! The quiz will be over Subject/ Predicate notes along with Compound subjects and predicates and Tone and Mood.

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Extra credit

For two points extra credit, both a student and a parent have to make a comment on the blog. Please be sure to put your name somewhere on the comment you post.

Thursday 9-26-13

1. Bell work- Silent reading
2. Check WS6: Compound subjects and verbs
3. " Patience, Patience, Patience"
          *read aloud
          * update foldable


Parents our students are always encouraged to read every night for at least 30 minutes.

Tonight is Homecoming! So come out to the game and help support Norris!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday 9-25-13

1. Bell work- Compound subject and predicate
2. " Patience, Patience, Patience" - silent discussion and read aloud

HW: Compound subject and predicate Worksheet #6 

Directions for homework:

First the students must identify if there are any prepositions in the sentence. If there is a preposition the students must put parentheses  around the prepositional phrase. Next the students should underline the subject(s) once and the predicate(s) twice.

Tuesday 9-24-13

1. Bell work- Study for skills quiz #5
2. Check Subject and predicate homework
3. Skills quiz #5
4. Library

HW: none

Parents we want to let you know that we are having a race to see which class can get the most 100's over the 9 weeks. Here are the totals as of now:

1st period- 9
2nd period- 22
3rd period- 21

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday 9-23-13

1.Bell Work- Define noun, verb, subject, and predicate
2. Subjects/Predicate
3. " Patience, Patience, Patience" - read aloud/ silent discussion/ update foldable

HW:  Subject and Predicate WS2

Here are some links to some great games if you are still having trouble identifying the subject and predicate of a sentence.

Take the quiz below and bring in your score with a parent signature for 5 points extra credit.

Friday 9-20-13

Bell Work- Using Quotation marks
2. Peer Check Friendly Letter
3. Good Copy of your Friendly Letter/ SSR

HW: Finish Good Copy of your Letter

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday 9-19-13

1. Bell work- using quotations marks
2. Authors purpose - PowerPoint and quiz
3. Shackleton's letter  home- friendly letter writing

Check these two links out for extra help:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday 9-18-13

1. Bell work- Using quotations
2. " Munity" - Read aloud
3. Author's Purpose

HW: Authors Purpose WS

Here is more help if your son/daughter is still struggling with author's purpose

Tuesday 9-17-13

1. Bell work- Using Quotations
2. Skills Quiz 4/ SSR
3. Library

HW: None 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday 9-16-13

1. Bell work- Using quotation marks. ( Some are working on writing them correctly and some are using them by responding to a persuasive writing prompt) 
2. Proofread Persuasive paragraph ( peer check)
3. Read " Ocean Camp" and update fold able
4. Work on final copy of persuasive paragraph 

HW: Study for skills test number 4 and finish persuasive paragraph. We are having a race with each class to see which class can get the most 100's!!! 

For persuasive paragraph students will need : graphic organizer, rough draft, peer checklist, and final copy. Our students are allowed to type and print them at home.

For the test the students need to study the following: direct and indirect quotations, cause and effect, object pronouns, conflict, and "PEEL "notes.

Extra HELP!!!

Direct and indirect quotations 

Cause and Effect 

Objective pronouns is on the website from earlier. Just look down below. Conflict is a skill that we had to re-visit , so the students should have notes in their notebook.

PEEL Notes:

Friday 9-13-13

(Friday the 13th)

1. Bell work- Write an Interrogative Quotation/ switch and answer your partner's question
2. Persuasive paragraph
3. Pre-write with " PEEL Organizer"

HW: Finish persuasive paragraph

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday 9-12-9

Bell work- quotations
2. Check Homework
3. " The face of the Deep is Frozen"
4. Conflict- What is it?

HW: Conflict worksheet 

Here are some examples to help with homework in case the students forget.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday 9-11-13

1. Bell work-  Quotations
2. Cause and effect- peer check
3. Object pronouns- parents this is a skill that builds on prepositional phrases

HW: object pronouns worksheet

Here is a link with a short quiz that will help your son/daughter practice his/her skills. If you complete the quiz and bring in your grade with a parent signature you will receive two points extra credit.
Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday 9-10-13

1. Bell work- Quotations
2. Skills Quiz
3. "Pressure" - Cause and effect
4. Library/ Ice Research 

HW: Read for enjoyment :)

I hope everyone is having a great start to their week so far!

Monday, September 09, 2013

Example work

Here is another great example of summarize and make a connection work from one of our students. 

Monday 9-9-13

1. Bell Work- Quotations ( direct and indirect)
2. " Pressure"
3. Cause and effect

HW: Study for tonight's quiz. The items to study are as follows: D.O.L sentences week 3, prepositional phrases, theme, plot diagram, internal and external conflict, academic vocabulary, text connections. All of the notes for each item should be in your son's/ daughter's spiral notebook. *If your son/daughter brings in a sheet of paper listing the items he/she studied tonight with a parent signature, your son/daughter will receive two extra credit points.

Below are some links for your son/daughter to study tonight :

Prepositional phrases


Plot Diagram 

Friday 9-6-13

1. Bell Work- Prepositional Phrases (8-15)
2. " The Wreck of the Hesperus" - plot diagram 

Hw: Read 30 minuets, summarize, and make a connection.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Thursday September 5th

Bell work- prepositional phrases review
Theme practice
Constructing complete  paragraphs
Homework: None
*Our students are always encouraged to read everyday.  Practice makes perfect! 

Wednesday September 4th

Classworks testing the entire class.
* Parents students have received new ARM classes! Also, midterms will be going home soon. So, please check skyward and make sure your son/daughter has all work turned in.

Tuesday September 2nd

Bell work- D.o.l week 3 day 5
Peer check homework
Homework: read 20 minutes ,summarize, and make a connection

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

2.Check preposition phrases WS
3."The Wreck of the Hesperus"
HW: Read 20 mins. summarize and make connection  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

2.Prepositional Phrases
3."Winter on the Pack"
HW: Prepositional Phrases WS

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

1.Bellwork-Tape Passwords into Spiral
2.Star Test in Computer Lab
3."The Fist of Antarctica" Questions
4.Check WS 79
HW: Read 20 Minutes and illustrate main scene and add 
a caption.       

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

2. "The Fist of Antarctica" Read- Aloud
3.Library/Book Fair
HW:WS 79 Prepositional Phrases 

Monday, August 26, 2013

2.Week2 Skills Quiz
3."The Growlers'' Discussion Questions
4.The Fist of the Antarctica "Read Aloud''
HW: WS 77 Prepositions    

Friday, August 23, 2013

2.Shipwreck Ch2 Question in Pairs
3.The Growlers
HW: Study For D.O.L Quiz on Monday  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday 8-22-13
2.The Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedtion 
3.Shipwreck Foldable
4.Read Aloud
HW: Illustrate foldable cover (draw+color) 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday 8-21-13
2.Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World
Anticipation Guide in group
Ainmato clip
Text Preview
Just Imagine
HW: Finish prediction paragraph   

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday 8-20-13
1.Bellwork-D.O.L WK2/Day 2
2.Shipwreck... PowerPoint/ Anticipation Guide
Monday 8-19-13
1.Bell work-DOL-WK2/Day1
2.Work 1 Skill Test
3.Finish "Me Box'' Presentations

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday 8-16-13
Bell work-D.O.L/WK1/Day 5
"Me Box"Presentation
HW: Study For D.O.L Quiz Monday And Group Roles

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday 8-15-13
  1. Bell Work- D.O.L Week 1/ Day 4
  2. Finish Pretest
  3. Group Roles Activity
HW: Final Preparations for your ME BOX!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday 8-14-13
Early out day!
  1. Bell work- Day 3 Week 1
  2.  Reading/ Language Arts pretest
Reminder- Me Box is do Friday!!! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday 8-13-13
  1. Bell work- D.O.L Week 1 Day 2
  2. Reading/ Language Arts pretest
  3. Library
Hw: None! All students checked out one or two books from the library today. It is important that each student spend time at home reading each night. Also, students have a Me Box presentation that is due on Friday 8-16-13.
Directions for Me Box:
  1. Gather an object/item which reflects each of the following  
    * Your overall personality
    * Your favorite reading genre
    * Your favorite activity
    *An area of strength
    * An area that needs improvement
2. Put all items in a box ( shoebox, gift box, wooden box) of your choice and be prepared to share why you chose each item to represent a part of you.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday 8-12-13
1. Bell Work- D.O.L
2. Memory Movie- "Summer Fave Writing Sample"
HW: Return Blog Info Sheet and Finish Writing Sample
Notes: Parents all students need a binder and a spiral notebook for class. 

Monday, August 05, 2013

Welcome Class and Parents
We are so exited to get the year started. On this blog you will find our daily agenda and all homework. It will be updated daily. There will also be links to other helpful websites, any important information, documents to study or print, and hopefully videos. This is a helpful way for parents to stay connected in the classroom. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.
Supply list
  •  Spiral notebooks ( no composition)
  • Red pens
  • Glue
  • Color pencils
  • Binder
  • Agenda*
  • Small pencil sharpener
  • Paper
  • Pencil pouch
Wish List
  • Post it notes
  • Tissue
  • Clorox wipes
  • Highlighters
  • Note Cards